Saturday, November 7, 2009

Is it bad if you eat those chocolate laxative bars like candy bars?

Yes, especially if you are doing it as a way of crash dieting. That can be VERY dangerous. If you are asking because you want chocolate, then for goodness sake--just go buy a chocolate bar. If you want one that is not going to be all the calories etc., they do have some in the healthy foods section of the store that have the chocolate--but not the bad stuff..and none of the poop-fest.
well, youre going to be crapping non stop for the next week, but hey, do what you wish're looking for an upset stomach. I know because as a young adult, some friends and I didn't like a student. We gave her some "chocolate exlax" that she shared with a couple friends. All went home sick.
yeah dont do it
If you eat them like candy, it's gonna be bad.
well its not a good habit, the reason is that your digestive system will evacuate food before it can get properly digested, and you will not get the nutrition that you need, also it is very bad to take laxative for longer then is absolutely needed, because your Colon can get used to work only when it is given laxatives, which would cause chronic constipation, and irregular bowl habits, and you can eventually become dependent on laxatives, which has a whole list of other side effects and symptoms.
so stay away from any laxatives, unless your doctor orders it, or its absolutely necessary.
The chocolate laxative doesn't taste very good. Plus, if you eat a lot, you will regret it. Laxatives cause your body to dump a lot of water into your intestines. This causes a diarrhea type action. Take too much and you get very dehydrated. This can lead to illness similar to a cold, you might also get muscle cramps. Mostly you'll spend a lot of time on the toilet feeling like you're having a baby but nothing comes out. That gets painful after a while. As a result of this you also get rid of the bacteria that is in your colon. That stuff is very necessary for proper digestion. It's a bad idea all around. Try broccoli or make bran muffins, They're Great!
No, it is the secret to weight loss. Good luck!
Actually it can be fun if you eat enough. If your lucky, you'll need a mop afterwards. Don't worry about the bleeding afterwards either, it goes away in a couple of weeks.

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