Sunday, May 23, 2010

is it possible to regain blood?

In normal situations, your body has its ability to manufacture blood cells comprising the whole blood (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets) mostly in the bone marrow especially of the vertebrae , ribs, pelvis, skull, breastbone. Each red blood cell has a life span of about 4 months. Each day, the body produces new red blood cells to replace those that die or are lost from the body. White blood cells life spans vary from a few days to months. New cells are constantly being formed in the bone marrow especially if there is infection production is ncreased. Platelets survive only about 9 days in the bloodstream and are constantly being replaced by new cells.In unusual situations where there is severe blood loss, your body is unable to make rapid blood production to replace it that is why blood transfusions are given. In non dangerous situations, the body is given time to replace the blood lost. Good nutrition and iron supplements are important to help the body to cope up with blood production.Now, just in case you want to know if the blood taken out from you can be returned back: there is no question about that provided the blood was taken out of your body in due process. It can be safely transfused to you as the process to regain it. (Though this is least likely to happen, I am just giving you this idea as one of the possibilities of what you are trying to ask because you have not elaborated your question further.)鈾?
Yes, otherwise you couldn't donate any.
yes. We make it all the time
yea. Drink Up!
yes--if you cut yourself and bleed--say 3 ounces of blood--your body will self regulate and replenish the loss; if however, you sever your arm and lose 3'll need a transfusion.but otherwise, yes, your body regains blood loss naturally!
You can donate blood every 3 months or more.The following info was taken from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center website:4. How long will it take to replenish the pint of blood I donate?Your body will replace the blood volume (plasma) within 48 hours. It will take 4 to 8 weeks for your body to completely replace the red blood cells you donated. The average adult has 8 to 12 pints of blood. You will not notice any physical changes related to the pint you donated.
Yes after you lose a pint (through donation) you regain the liquid part (plasma) within a few hours (if you drink enough liquid to help your body replace it). It then takes 56 days to rebuild the red blood cells that you lost (that's why they make you wait between donations). Bone marrow is responsible for the formation of new blood. I hope this helps
Your bone marrow produces blood (a process called hematopoiesis).
Your blood cells die and replenish themselves every three days. You are constantly regaining blood cells. If you donate blood, it takes about 3 weeks to regain that amount of blood, but they don't take it more often than 6 because it stresses the body. :) If you are anemic (or don't have enough red blood cells) try taking iron as it ecourages red blood cell growth. Also, if you have donated blood, foods high in iron for a few days are always a good idea.
yes your bone marrow produces red blood cells every second of everyday. i dont know how much is produced on a daily basis but i have donated blood a pint at a time and in 2 weeks i gave another pint.however if you give blood like every 10 days your iron will drop severely and cause you to get would become anemic and have to take either iron injections or iron pills.maybe both if your blood is very low in blood not only depletes your body of iron but potassium as well and many other minerals that are needed for the body to function normally.
if you are speaking of a case where you say, just cut yourself or have a small wound that bleeds, even quite a bit (i'm not talking a gusher here.) then yes, your blood supply regenerates itself on it's own. That's why in cases of a huge trauma when someone has lost say 1/4 of their blood supply it is urgent that they be given a transfusion of their same blood type, so that the body doesn't go into shock and start realizing that something is very wrong with the blood supply and go into shock. of course, some people have adverse reactions to transfusions, but generally the outcome is ok. as a general rule, our RBC's (red blood cells) usually regenerate themselves every 120 days, WBC's (white blood cells) regenerate much faster. hope this helps.
No! Once lost, it can never be regained. Be careful not to spill a drop!
That's what the cookies and punch at the blood donation stations are for.
Yes, Cells multiply
Blood is all the time being regenerated in the body. so yes it is very possible o regain blood.
Yes. After you donate a pint of blood, it takes your body about 4- 6 weeks to replenish itself. That's why you can't gi ve blood for at least 4 weeks after having already donated.
The rfed cells are constantly being replaced with a life span of 120 days. In blood loss, the spleen supplies some and the bone marrow works harder to produce new cells.

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