Saturday, November 7, 2009

is it okay to rub salk on someones wounds?

Well,it's not ok to rub salt on someone's wounds but it is ok to wash the wound with warm salt water if you have nothing else in the house. Salt is known to have some antibacterial properties but I do recommend you use hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol or go use neosporin. Furthermore, from what i know indian people make a paste of tumeric and salt and use it as an antiseptic cream.But keep in mind if the wounds are really bad or become worse for whatever reason you must take the person to the hospital immediately. The link below may helpyou figure out how to take care of the wound.
use an anti septic cream rather - depending on the wounds - phone the chemist and ask someone there.
Who, Jonas? I think he's dead.
No it is not ok
infact i didnt get your question still m giving the answer
it doesn't help anything, it is actually painful, you wouldn't want it in your wounds, that is an old saying not meant to be taken literally, it means don't keep picking at someone while they are down.
if you want the guy to scream that's perfect, but if you want to heal the would try something else, it's the worst treatment ever.
I dont believe in making enimies, so i wount do that. But have to admit some wounds deserves some salt!
Although, good for the wound, from what i've heard, its quite painful. Use an antiseptic instead.
No i feel it is not okay to put salt on wounds.In my country a phrase "putting salt on someones wounds" means hurting someone. Putting salt basically hurts the person.
salt stings and hurts. i dont think i would want to hurt someone worse than they are already hurting when there are alternate medicines out there that dont have to hurt. on the other hand, if you really like pain, go for it
no it is not is painfull.and it is not good way to clean is better to use water peroxide for disinfection.
No, dont do that.
try Dettol or some disinfectant.
you might get punched in the head
Just remember one thing about this world:"What goes round , comes around!"If your heart doesnt stop you from commiting such an immoral act then i'm sure the above quote will!!

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