Monday, October 12, 2009

Irradiated food?

Wood irradiated food fall under Occupational exposure or Non occupational exposure?
Yes, workers in the irradiation industries, such as bandages, condoms, tampons, contact lens solution and food, are protected by OSHA's occupational exposure laws.Consumers get more radiation exposure by standing in a sunny window for one minute than they would from soaking in irradiated milk for 24 hours.
being around or consuming irradiated food results in no actual radiation exposure.-T
Irradiated foods = microwaved foods when it comes to radiation.So, non-occupational exposure.
depending on the dose of radiation %26 the frequency of consuming such food, the higher the dose %26 frequency the greater the risk on long term exposure, besides it's not the food alone that causes such risk , but the sum of daily exposure to air-water-food which are not totally radiation- free, but workers in factories dealing with radiation are at the greatest risk of all.

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